Services Offered

Grant Research and Writing

Fundraising Plan Development

Program Development and Management

Strategic Planning Support

Grant Research and Writing

  • Find grants to initiate new projects, to expand your impacts and to further your mission

  • Organize grant requirements to make it easy to apply and provide content

  • Write competitive grants that give you an edge against other applicants


Grants can take a lot of time for an organization to research and write. Allow me to do this work for you, while you spend your time, energy and expertise on other priorities. Have a special grant you wish to write that has a deadline that falls at the same time as another project deadline? Want to expand your grant writing capacity? Have you always wanted to plan ahead and become more proactive in plotting out grants to apply for during the fiscal year?

I have 20 years of grant research and writing experience to assist your organization. Knowing where to look and what to look for can speed up the grant research process and get you to your goals more quickly. I understand what grant reviewers are looking for in an award-winning grant; a key to successful grant writing.

See the projects page for list of grant experience.

Fundraising Plan Development

  • Help you clearly articulate your development goals

  • Write a complete plan to galvanize your team, maintain focus, and achieve agreed upon goals

  • Energize your board and staff to share a vision and ownership of organizational fundraising


Many non-profits are "flying by the seat of their pants" when it comes to fundraising. Organizations that are most effective in fundraising typically have a plan of action. They have a team, which includes both staff and board members, who "own" fundraising as one of their roles and contributions to the organization. Have you always wanted to write a fundraising plan, but lack the time and experience? Do you have a funder who is asking for a fundraising plan in order to invest in building your organization's capacity? Are there missing pieces (a membership program, annual giving campaign) you need to truly accomplish your fundraising goals?

I developed a strategic fundraising plan for an organization I led, positioning the organization to more than double its budget in a short amount of time. Allow me to bring my professional experience as a former Executive Director and Development Director to help you develop a cross organizational plan.

Program Development and Management

  • Work with you to develop a clear vision, staffing and funding needs, evaluation/impact measures and practical steps to launch a new program

  • Lead discrete projects that you need a project manager consultant to successfully execute

  • Develop a community needs assessment process to determine the need and support for your new program/project


Project Development: New projects require skillful planning to execute successfully. Developing a program that meets the needs of the community you wish to serve may require more community engagement than you initially thought.

Having developed many new projects, I bring a diverse experience that informs my approach to helping you think through and plan for launching a new program.

Project Management: Hiring and onboarding staff for a time-limited project can be costly and time consuming. Sometimes, you need a skilled, efficient and experienced project manager to work on contract to help complete a time-limited project.

As a skilled project manager, with many years of experience, I can come in and help with a specific project that you don't want to hire and train new staff for.

Strategic Planning Support

  • Provide coaching on how to lead a strategic planning process with your organization

  • Create a roadmap for your strategic plan

  • Support a process that engages your board and staff that creates buy-in


Strategic planning requires creating space and taking time to step back from the day-to-day of your organization, and change the lens your are looking through to be wider. Having a thought partner, a coach and a champion can make the difference as you create a new roadmap and chart your organization's growth, development and next steps. It may be time to re-examine your mission and vision, to create a new diversity and inclusion policy, or to emphasize partnership development and staff expansion. Whatever is true for your organization, I can support you in leading this process.

As a former Executive Director, I led my board and staff through an engaging strategic planning process which provided a concrete roadmap which was used to take the organization to the next level.